Our Philosophy
We believe what families need most is nurturing and gentle support. We believe that each pregnancy, labor and birth is a unique and miraculous experience and the emerging family is the center and focus of that experience. We believe that each family should choose for themselves where they feel safe giving birth, who they want to receive their baby, what friends and family will be present and whether they want to use pain medications or other medical interventions or not. We believe that expectant mothers should be provided education and information so she and her partner can make informed decisions regarding their options, as well as any risks, benefits and or precautions. Once your baby is born, we believe that if your needs are met you can meet your baby's needs and it is our goal to be the bridge that gently closes the gap between birth and parenthood.

Who We Are
Established in 1998, you can count on us to have company standards in place that provide for the most unusual of situations, along with long-standing, solid relationships with our local Healthcare practitioners which include OBs, midwives and hospital nursing staff along with those healthcare providers who practice outside the hospital setting such as in birthing centers and for home births. Mother's Care represents a culturally diverse group of women dedicated to assisting couples before, during and after the birth of their baby. Our clients come to Mother's Care from many cultural backgrounds and we celebrate the beauty and diversity of women and their birthing traditions. Mother's Care is the leading childbirth and maternity provider of doula services to 6 local hospitals in the Miami-Dade, Broward County areas. These facilities have named Mother’s Care as their “Preferred Doula Provider”, a title we wear with honor and proudly: